Healthy Body & Mind

Putting You First
Your mind. Your body. Your emotions—all things you’re working hard to keep healthy. And things marijuana can hurt. Whether it’s recreational or medical, marijuana has side effects. Like messing with your mood, mental health, memory, and judgment.
Learn Something New

For Your Information
Now is the time to keep your memory sharp. Regular marijuana use can make that harder. The more you use, the greater the risk—leaving effects that can last for weeks after you’ve quit.

On Your Mind
True or true: your brain is still developing into your 20s? It’s true. Using marijuana while your brain is growing can change its chemistry by interfering with its ability to make connections that have lasting effects on your learning and intelligence.

In a Mood
Some people see marijuana as a way to relieve their anxiety, depression, or stress. But none of these conditions qualify for medical marijuana treatment. In fact, marijuana can actually amplify these feelings and interfere with sleep. And it can lower your motivation and make you less interested in the things you love.
Studies also suggest a link between marijuana and psychosis.
For ideas on healthy ways to cope, visit the How to Cope page.

For Your Body
Thinking fast may be easier said than done if you’re using marijuana. Did you know it can affect coordination, movement, and reflexes? Those are the type of motor skills that come in handy if you play pick-up games with friends or play for your school.
Know What's at Risk

Secondhand Smoke and Lung Health
In the short term, research shows that smoking marijuana can impact your vital lung capacity. And causes throat and lung irritation and coughing. More research needs to be done to understand the long-term effects of smoking and vaping marijuana, but all signs point to “not good.”

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
People who chronically use marijuana may be at risk of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS). CHS is an illness that causes recurring vomiting. If you’re experiencing CHS, frequent hot bathing may help. But researchers have found that CHS tends to continue until users completely abstain from marijuana.

Marijuana Use Disorder
Did you know that marijuana can be addictive? Often, people who use heavily to try to treat irritability, sleeplessness, and anxiety are actually experiencing marijuana withdrawal because they’ve developed a dependence.
People who start using as a teen are four times more likely to develop a dependence or marijuana use disorder.

Worried About Someone?
With free, confidential advice and assistance, the Washington Poison Center can help you learn more about or deal with the dangers of marijuana use.
Concerned about getting in trouble if you call for help? Don’t be. Washington State's "911 Good Samaritan Law" can protect you from punishment so you and your friends can get the help needed.
If the symptoms are severe, call 911 or go to an emergency room.