Young Woman Reading In Library At College.

Taking Care of You

Whether it’s about emotional, mental, or physical health—how you take care of yourself is a personal journey. Knowing how alcohol influences your mood, mind, and body can help you make the best decisions about your wellbeing.

Two young women leaning on each other with eyes closed during a group yoga class with women of different age groups and body types. Shot in a beautiful bright and spacious shala with natural light. Muted color palette.

In a Mood

Who doesn’t want to spend their days smiling? Feeling good and connecting with friends? When it comes to your emotions and social life, alcohol can change the game—not in a good way. In fact, people who drink are more likely to struggle with anxiety and depression. 

Living with social anxiety? That can make the risk of developing an alcohol use disorder—sometimes called a “drinking problem” or substance use disorder—four times more likely.  

Nothing (especially drinking) should come in between you and the things you love—whether it’s dancing, reading, or gaming. Yet, alcohol can lower your motivation and negatively impact your personal and academic success.

Young woman picks up carrots at farmers market.

What to Know About Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder is a chronic relapsing brain disease. It affects your mood, emotional wellness, and sense of control. You’re not alone. If you need support, there’s always someone ready to help you at the Washington Recovery Help Line.

Thoughtful teenager with multicolored hair lying in bed over a multicolored quilt and looking away.

On Your Mind

Don’t be fooled—seeing may not always be believing. Some risks of drinking are harder to spot than others. Your grades or work performance may be affected now but impacts to your brain development and function may not be that obvious.

Studies suggest heavy alcohol use can harm your ability to remember and process information, as well as pay attention, which is a big deal when it comes to work and school. Students who use substances during college also spend less time studying and more time skipping classes, which probably isn’t the best route to an on-time graduation.

Young male hikes around Mt. Rainier in Washington

For Your Body

This is the time to face the world with confidence. Maybe that will make it harder to notice some of the obvious effects that alcohol has on your body. Drinking now can leave future you feeling the long-term effects on your skin, weight, heart, and liver.

Over time, drinking can lead to serious health issues like high blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat, alcoholic hepatitis, a swollen pancreas, and even some types of cancer. Chronic alcohol misuse has also been linked to cirrhosis, which is late-stage liver damage that can cause the organ to shut down. While it's typically been more common among an older population, national cirrhosis deaths among 25-34-year-olds more than doubled between 2000 and 2019.

Binge drinking can also increase the possibility of alcohol poisoning, which you should know how to spot. If you see these signs, someone may need immediate medical attention

Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

  • Vomiting
  • Slowed breathing
  • Seizures
  • Cold or clammy skin

The Washington Poison Center can also help with free, confidential advice and assistance. Call them at 1-800-222-1222 or visit their website. If it’s an immediate emergency, please call 911 or go to an emergency room.

Worried about getting in trouble if you call for help? Don’t be. Washington State's "911 Good Samaritan Law" can protect you from punishment so you and your friends can get the help needed. 

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